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New Operations and Maintenance ASSESSMENT

Reclamation Districts 785, 827 and 537 are responsible for the operations and maintenance of the levees and internal drainage systems that reduce flood risk for the Lower Elkhorn Basin.

On July 31, 2018, the balloting period closed following a public hearing. After the public hearing, the ballots for the assessment were tabulated and the landowners approved the assessment. On August 2, the Board of Trustees announced that the new assessment was approved by property owners with 72 percent of the weighted vote. More details are available in the Ballot Tabulation Report.

On August 2, 2018 the Reclamation District 800’s Board of Trustees adopted the Final Engineer’s Report that sets forth the methodology for calculating assessments and authorized levy of the new assessment starting in Fiscal Year 2018-19. The District’s existing assessment has been suspended.

The characteristics used to calculate the assessment for each parcel are available in the Assessment Characteristics Table. To assist in calculating an assessment, a spreadsheet of the calculation methodology can also be downloaded.

 Click here to download the RD 800 Assessment Characteristics Table

Click here to download the RD 800 Assessment Calculator Spreadsheet

Assessment Review Process

If you believe that one or more of the characteristics of your property used to calculate the annual assessment are incorrect please submit the assessment review form to the District Secretary, Suzanne Daggert, by mail to PO Box 984, 14147 Dye St., Walnut Grove, CA 95690, via fax to (916) 776-2060, or email to sdaggert@pisoniandassociates.com