In June 2014, Reclamation District No. 1000 (RD 1000) adopted a 20-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP).  RD 1000 developed its CIP to provide guidance to RD 1000 management and it’s Board of Trustees on future funding needs to meet its mission of flood protection and drainage services. Many projects identified in the CIP will be funded by future development based on analyses that identify the direct impacts of development on RD 1000 facilities.  However, RD 1000 has identified certain improvements that are needed to ensure that the entire drainage and flood control system continues to operate and provide an appropriate level of flood protection even with new development.  One component of funding for RD 1000’s CIP is a Development Impact Fee program.  LWA helped the District develop and implement a new Development Impact Fee program by preparing the required Nexus Study and assisting with stakeholder outreach to impacted development interests and affected land use agencies in the Natomas Basin.  RD 1000’s Development Fee Program will allow the District to collect revenue to fund projects that benefit the basin on a systemwide basis.  The projects include security system improvements, emergency generators, flood fight material storage areas, and plan updates.